When comparing optical and radio telescopes, we know that both of these telescopes detect a certain band of the electromagnetic spectrum.
When contrasting optical and radio telescopes, we know that optical telescopes have higher equipment (polished mirrors, accuracy), and that they depend on weather. Radio telescopes have lower equipment (less precise reflectors), and depend on diff. things such as thermal radiation and man-made emissions.
I think Autorhythmic fibers are fibers that are self excitable or on their own for example some cardiac muscle. They repeatedly generate action potentials that trigger heart contractions.They continue to stimulate a heart to beat even when it is removed from the body. In comparison to contractile fibers, autorhythmic fibers are self excitable and do not require nervous system stimulation to trigger contractions. Contractile fibers have stable resting membrane potentials of -90mV, when a contractile fibers reaches threshold by action potential, the voltage gated fast sodium ions channels will open.
So, this hormone is a non-steroid hormone. Steroid hormones are fat soluble and can pass directly into the cell to affect the nucleus.
Non-steroid hormones bind to the receptor and trigger a chemical change within the cell without ever entering the cell, or the nucleus.
The answer is: It will not enter the nucleus