-Fossil evidence
-Comparative anatomy
-Molecular clocks
Biological evidence of the age of the earth includes fossil evidence, comparative anatomy, and molecular clocks.
-Fossils are critical tools in science because they give us clues to the types of plants and animals that lived on Earth in the past.There are many examples of fossils found on separate continents and nowhere else, suggesting the continents were once joined.
-Comparative anatomy is an important tool that helps determine evolutionary relationships between organisms and whether or not they share common ancestors. However, it is also important evidence for evolution. Anatomical similarities between organisms support the idea that these organisms evolved from a common ancestor.
-Scientists can use relaxed-clock methods to deal with variation in the rate of the molecular clock. By measuring the patterns of evolutionary rate variation among organisms, they can also gain valuable insight into the biological processes that determine how quickly the molecular clock ticks.
The difference between bacteria and viruses that show bacteria are living and not viruses is that viruses, unlike bacteria, lack what is considered a living organism. For Example, viruses cannot reproduce without the help of a host, and don't use the normal way of cell-division for replication. Unlike bacteria, which can reproduce without the aid of a host.
So basically viruses don't have what it need to be a living organism, like reproducing without and host and aren't in the norm for cell-division for replication.
Photosynthesis creates glucose and oxygen. used for humans to inhale and then exhale carbon dioxide to go back into plants and redo this cycle.
The answer to your question is

The lateral line system is found in fish and is used to feel a vibration, movement, and pressure in the water. These senses are derived from the epithelial tissue which reacts to the movement near the fish.
Hope this helps!
are complex structure four connected rings of carbon atoms. They are cholesterol which is in all body cells and used to synthesize other steroids:sex hormones, such as estrogen, and testosterone and several hormones from the adrenal glands.
are comprised of an ester of a long-chain alcohol and a fatty acid. Many plants have leaves and fruits with wax coatings to help prevent water loss.
consist of Glycerol portion and fatty acid chains. Only two fatty acids chains; in place of the third is portion that include a phosphate group. THe phosphate portion is soluble in water [hydrophobic] forms the ''head'' of the molecule, while the fatty acids portion is insoluble in water [hydrophobic] and forms a ''tail''.
to store energy for cellular activities. Carbohydrates fat molecules are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.