Synonyms and restatements help the reader learn the meaning of an unknown word by presenting an alternate term or phrase that means the same as the word. Signal words include \"also known as,\" \"sometimes called,\" \"that is\" and \"in other words.\" These phrases let the reader know that the other word or phrase has the same meaning as the unknown word.
Answer: A word can be both a noun and a verb.
Hey there!
I assume we're talking about Animal Farm.
First of all, this statement alludes to the fact that they're trying to say that animals are good, and humans are bad- because that's the main idea in most parts of the book. The animals have risen up and created their own rules for the farm in the wake of the human oppression previously not occurring and brought to life by the speech of Old Major. There are two main problems:
First of all, the whole farm runs on animals - however, pigs remain sovereign. The problem is, although most animals do have four legs, some animals, like swans, birds, and chickens, don't. That means they're left out and perhaps their contribution to the farm can be lost as a result of the fact that their physical anatomy betrays the ideals of the Commandments.
Secondly, we discussed before how this leaves out humans. However, they need humans- especially for the windmill at the beginning. If you remember, Napoleon actually had to make deals with some, and those proved to be very beneficial. This pretty much means that Napoleon is trying to dictate the beliefs of the beings he rules, but breaks and bends his own rules when he wants. After all, he became the leader after a revolution on the farm and uses his attack dogs in place of military force. Sound familiar? Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, and most other characters represent people from history. One of the main points of this book is looking at it from another perspective. The animals mean something, it's more a book about the actions of people.
Hope this helps!
Explanation: Conan Doyle,
Answer: The word genius can be used to describe a person, an idea or an invention. As a person, a genius is one that stands out from a crowd and tackles the most difficult of problems in the simplest of ways. A genius is not only very clever, but instinct allows them to think outside the box. The term genius is often associated with names such as Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, JS Bach, William Blake, and Socrates. These are just a few of history’s greatest thinkers who helped shape society with their innovative ideas. The universal definition of a “genius” is “one who has an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.’ Genius is also defined as ‘a person having…show more content…
Each kind of genius is worlds apart. How a genius is molded from birth to until his death makes him distinct from others. Values, ideals, and beliefs vary from one mastermind to the next, but the genius in them is prominent.
Albert Einstein once exclaimed "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." The world’s greatest geniuses are famous for a profound, open minded sense of curiosity. Curiosity is a personality trait often found in geniuses. This curiosity is usually the key element behind the motivation of a genius. “This proclivity towards curiosity or inquisitiveness may explain the breadth of interests and preference for complexity displayed by creative individuals” (Simonton 49). The focus of a true genius, whether in sciences, arts, or businesses, is finding new, creative and effective ways to do things. Curiosity sparks inspiration and creativity. A genius has the ability to do more than just memorize and recite existing information and ideas. They can discover, create, or invent new ideas within their particular area of interest