While the idea of using steam power ... engineer James Watt improved the steam engine that it ... For thousands of years following the rise of civilization, most peo- ... in Britain, the Industrial Revolution has spread to the rest of ... began to disappear. ... device. Within a few months, he knew he had a product that would sell.
We see development in new technologies and big industrial factories like are seen today
This shows that a lot of what happened during that period influenced today's world.
The answer is B since the natives immune system was weak to the diseases.
When—and why—did the practice of foot binding begin? The first recorded binding occurred in the Five Dynasties and Ten States period in the 10th century. According to the story, an emperor had a favorite concubine, a dancer who built a gilded stage in the shape of a lotus flower.
A positive influence is that it gave the colonists a new way of life and a negative influence is that it forced a new religion on to a colony that had already a way of doing things.