A. juxtaposition is the answer
Primitive in this context is closer to innate or previously existing in the person.
Primitive in the sense of psychology for Freud was always something that had existed in the person without any outside influence that would inform their behavior.
The primitive action is one that the person is ingrained to perform in the way of their own psyche and has nothing to do with outside influence over them.
This is developed in the concept of displacement and familiarization of the death principle and the life principle of Freud that is being discussed hire.
A coffin hits the fourth man and Kropp keeps him from tearing off his gas mask. The injured man is the young recruit Paul comforted earlier, and they try to free his arm from underneath a coffin. As these anxious moments go on, Paul feels as though he is suffocating, because he is breathing the same air over and over in his gas mask.
You could recap your introduction paragraph
Which is when u write the same thing in the conclusion as u wrote in the introduction
Magnets help make electricity and they hold papers on the refrigerator.