Roses uses the pentameter which is not so modern, while Night does not have a rhyme scheme is nor written in a pentameter
Because Jeanette is not very smart. Some could definitely say that a watch is more useful than diamonds. But with if she had diamonds in her possession she could then sell the diamonds and buy all the watches that she wants because diamonds are way more valuable than a watch.
nmao that's a lie probably
so I'm not editing until you mark me
1. When Macbeth moved to Inverness, you can already see his influence from his entrance. The second act centered around his influence. Even though there were other characters in the story, Macbeth continued to influence everyone in the scene.
2. Symbolically, Macbeth's entrance had darkened the atmosphere. His entrance brought darkness and gloominess. The brooding darkness was intensified in the battle scene Banquo and his assassin.