Option B, Medium, Source, and Campaign
Google Analytics, presently as a device for Google Marketing Platform, is a Web analytics privilege granted by Google to track and publish traffic on websites. Since acquiring Urchin, Google introduced the service in November 2005.
Google Analytics can remove a cookie in the user's browser when an user logs the website.
Cookies are tiny files with user interaction information.
Google Analytics can use these cookies to learn how a person complies with your website and gather this information in order to send you various reports.
The __Paasche Index or Current-Weighted Index_______ is based on all the goods and services produced in the economy, which make it a current-weights index.
The Current-Weighted Index is an index that calculates the weighted average of prices or quantities or with the weights used proportionate to the quantities or prices of the goods. At regular intervals, the weights have to re-calculated in line with the current realities. This regular re-calculation of the weights, which is the basis for its name, makes it current.
Had to look for the options and here is my answer. Based on digital forensics's basic methodology, the very first thing that should be done upon investigation is the identification of relevant items of evidentiary value or known as EM. Hope this answers your question.
.1.Scale economies in connection with urban economics (i.e., related to land use,housing, or firm location)A.2.Pecuniary agglomeration economiesA.3.Technological agglomeration economiesA.4.Retail agglomeration economiesA.5.ExternalitiesA.6.ceteris paribus assumptionA.7.A numeraire goodA.8.An efficient allocation of resources