Match the types of supporting evidence to the examples. fact anecdote expert opinion emotional appeal Sarah's outcome illustrate
s what can happen when children are left alone too long. Dr. Malfoy says physical therapy is helpful for a sprain. Austin has a 21.9-minute average commute time. We pledge to never stop striving to pluck these vulnerable animals from the jaws of danger
Fact: Austin has a 21.9-minute average commute time. (It's a fact, even better that they used numbers, numbers don't lie)
Anecdote: Sarah's outcome illustrates what can happen when children are left alone too long. (Shows the Sarah's story connects to what happens to children when left alone)
Expert Opinion: Dr. Malfoy says physical therapy is helpful for a sprain. (he's an expert and he has an opinion)
Emotional: We pledge to never stop striving to pluck these vulnerable animals from the jaws of danger (uses emotion in words "jaws of danger")
While I don't know what I'm matching I do know how to read and this is why I matched it this way.
The hypothesis is stating that spacial skills will improve by playing video games. The dependent variable is the variable that is tested and measured. In this hypothesis what is being tested are people's spacial skills to see if they improve after playing video games. Playing video games is the independent variable. In the experiment some people will be playing video games while others will not (control group).
Explanation: The subject or who is performing the action is not clear and in an active sentence, there is importance placed on the person who is performing the action.