- "early ripening rice"
- new irrigation techniques and systems
- planting new crops (cotton, tea)
Song Dynasty was a famous Chinese dinasty ruling from 10th till 13th century.
Among other things, this period is famous for massive agricultural improvements which increased crop production. Subsequently, that led to the increase in China's population.
Probably the most famous improvement was the development and use of "early ripening rice". This rice had a shorter life cycle which meant that it could grow 2 - 3 times per year, making more crops.
Also, new irrigation systems and techniques were invented which allowed the crops to be watered more efficiently and preventing drought.
We must not forget that China started farming other crops at that time including tea and cotton.
All of this improved farming making it one of the most notable legacy of the Song Dynasty.
In my opinion, homework help students practice getting a better understanding of the various topics taught daily at school. Homework gives way for individual learning i.e a way by which students can discover and learn new things and also build on what has been taught at school.
Although homework is good and helps students expand their knowledge on different topics of various subjects, it is usually too much. For instance, a total number of 10 subjects are taught daily, if all the teachers give homework on all 10 subjects with lots of questions, students will not be able to meet up as it would be too overwhelming on students.
I believe that homework should be limited because when it is too much it causes sleep deprivation, stress, weight loss, inability to function properly in the class. Two hours of homework is what is recommended for high school students by the National Education Association. Study shows that a percentage of students claim that homework is the main cause of stress.
In conclusion, to reduce the workload on students, teachers should conduct a test and classwork after each class.
Answer :
The given passage would be most appropriate for students who are familiar with literary jargon. Such students are most likely to be familiar with such terms as characters, setting, plot, themes etc. They should be familiar with all genres of literature like horror, science fiction, romance,suspense etc. They should have read all types of literature like novels, poetry, and drama. Those students who do not understand these literary terms, and how they are used in literary context would be unable to understand the given passage.
The effect of this statement is to create a feeling of disgust in the reader in relation to the colonists.
When Ceremony affirms that the colonists are the fruits of witchcraft, he gives the reader a feeling of discomfort about the colonists' existence. Just as witchcraft is something that causes us discomfort because it refers to something portrayed as bad in our culture, Ceremony's statement wishes to emit this same meaning in relation to the colonists.
You can think of "regular" as several neat rows or many similar things. They are all "regular" with each other and you can sort of predict what will come next.
There does not seem to be a specific pattern here, so we can conclude the answer most likely is irregular.