Because action needed to be taken fast
Migration and Refugees. Migration issues are fraught with moral positions, confusion, and unexpected connections. Pulitzer Center grantees look at the effects of climate and business on migration, the efforts of immigrants to preserve their own cultural identity, and the sacrifices they make in leaving family behind
.In 1970, recently arrived immigrants (30%) were more likely than U.S.-born adults (23%) to have completed at least some college. However, U.S.-born adults surpassed newly arrived immigrants by 1990. In 2013, 57% of newly arrived immigrants had completed at least some college, compared with 61% of U.S. adults.
The slave trade had many effects on Africa. Most of them were, of course, negative, though we can argue that the slave trade was positive for some African states at least in the short term.
One negative about the slave trade was that it tended to increase the amount of war that occurred in West Africa. The reason for this is that European (and American) slave traders did not simply go out into the African countryside and kidnap their own slaves. Instead, they bought slaves from the coastal kingdoms. Those kingdoms generally got slaves to sell through war and through raiding against inland tribes. Because the slave traders wanted more slaves, the coastal kingdoms were encouraged to wage more wars and conduct more raids against their neighbors. In addition, those kingdoms were provided with things like guns in exchange for slaves. This helped those kingdoms have more of a capability of waging war.
Answer: This talks about the Foreign People who are technically, People who are born outside of where they live now, and "He gives" may mean he shows Foreign People about "Any Native"
I hope that sorta Makes Sense