1. Use less cars travel way less with them if youan use a bike or walk to try stop too much CO2 being produced
2. Use less papaer or recyle trees are being cut down for them wich break down habittats and prevents filtrating CO2
3.RECYLE recylimg is something everyone can do it helps stop polution, rubish being frown in the seas oceans and animals eating them
Fish live completely in water, amphibians partly in water and land while reptiles live on land. Fish and reptiles have scales while amphibians have smooth skin. Fish breath through gills, amphibians through gills and lungs while reptiles through lungs. They are generally classified as vertebrates.
A sorting device that is useful in classifying by observation is a <u>key</u>.
- <em><u>Classification key or taxonomic key is a device that is used by scientists to identify unknown organisms. </u></em>
- They are constructed so that the user gets a series of choices about the characteristics of the unknown organisms.Thus, by making the correct choice at each step, one is led to the identity of the specimen.
- Therefore<u><em>, keys can be used to identify a living organism or determine which group it belongs to</em></u> by answering questions on the key about characteristics of living things.
The hormone that stimulates ovaries to release one egg per ovarian cycle is called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. Most woman will reach puberty by their teen years.