The negative effects of geological structures in our environment can be landslides occurring on unfavorably oriented geological structures causing damage and sometimes loss of life on highways and railways, for example.A positive effect of geological structures is that where there are subduction zones, mineral deposits can form above them on the adjoining continents like in British Columbia on the west coast of North America. Also, faults and fractures can allow hydrothermal fluids charged with metals to form ore deposits.
I'm pretty sure it's railroads, because there's not that many highways in Siberia, the rivers would be frozen over, and there's not a ton of people in Siberia. I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
the lava and pyroclastic that erupted mount. sakuajima volcano consists of medium- K series and endesite - dacite .the composition clearly differ between eruption periods.
It's the big flat continent at the bottom.
burj khalifa
it's the tallest building/tower in the world.