The answer is “will be examining” . Future progressives are formed by subject + will be + verb(-ing)
The correct answer is "the desire of wise men".
In her play "Frankenstein" (1823), Mary Shelley uses different syntactic strategies in order to put emphasis on certain information. For example, she could have written something like this: "within my grasp is the study and desire of the wisest men...".
Instead, she chose to present the information in a rhetorical way. She introduced the "wh" word "what" opening the window for the reader to question himself what is the meaning of "what"?
What is THAT THING that had been the study and desire of wisest men since the creation of the world? What did they want to know?
I have no idea what AP English 11 is like.
I think AP Bio is a difficult class to take. Bio may seem easy, but AP Bio is a whole different world. I would not recommend taking it unless you have a very good work ethic and you enjoy biology.
Don't take an AP class just to take one, choose one that you are intrested in.
well it does say to look at the websites and get started with your research so you probably have to read it lol