Texas. Texas is very close to Mexico, so you'd have a chance to meet someone who is Mexican instead of American.
World War I and II. These wars caused lots of economic growth and development because there was a pressure to create better inventions. Having better technology could mean the win or lose of a war. :D
Israel responded by what is termed here 'terrorist' tactics of the PLO in the 1970's by raiding PLO bases in neighboring Arab countries. It must be realized historically that Palestine used to belong to the Arab Palestinians ie it was their country and it was stolen by the British colonialists and sold to the rich Zionists for their so-called homeland. If the Israel govt really wanted to live in peace with the Palestinians and be slightly modest that they took away their country, then they wouldn't provoke them with settlements in the little land left that the Palestinians have on the Westbank and they would live in peace and harmony with them and Israel could have both Arabs and Jews living in harmony.