I believe it is diminishes.
Diminishes means to make smaller, to become smaller, or to lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken; to nerf (in gaming).
It may be softens, though, so apologies if I am incorrect.
it depends
corona virus aint cute no more. so either you left your job bc your state told you to, or you left it on your own bc of it and now you broke. i dunno tbh
1. one of the men is the commander the other is the stranger
2. I think it is so that way there is a slight origin to where the story came from.
3. I think Rip's long sleep is a punishment cause the world has changed and twenty or so years have passed.
4. Rip has a "meekness of spirit" this is blamed from the nagging of his wife.
5. One other character I can think of that sorta compares to Rip van Winkle is Ichabod Crane
6. I think Rip is consistent with his actions
7. The Inn, The flagon drink, and The union hotel
9. It's probably not to realistic sense the author has never really been to it
10. So that way he would wake up at the perfect time of the civil war.
The cultural vulture does this story seem to be showing is the Black popular culture.
<h3>What is BLACKIPEDIA?</h3>
This is known to tell a the Evolution of “Culture and Mark Anthony Neal was known to have stated that “Culture vultures do shape culture, due to the privilege of whiteness:
The cultural vulture does this story seem to be showing is the Black popular culture. and how it has undergone some changes overtime.
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