From what I know ethnocentrism means someone who thinks their culture is higher than another therefore I would go with A.
Don't Take The 14th Amendment For Granted. Originally enacted to protect blacks from inequality and violence after the Civil War, the 14th Amendment prohibits states from depriving persons of "life, liberty, or property" unfairly (i.e., without due process) and from denying any person "equal protection of the laws
Jan Karski feel the President’s response was not adequate and the rest explanation is discussed below in details.
In 1943, Polish undercover carrier Jan Karski notified that time president Roosevelt of stories of mass killings received from Jewish leaders in the Warsaw Ghetto. the United States governments did not, respond as much quickly they were thinking. However, induct any operation aimed at rescuing European Jews until 1944.
By the time the United States was ready to rescue them, however, four out of five Jews who would die in the destruction were already dead, many blamed the United States is responsible for the Holocaust.
Chandra Gupta II took the throne in c.380 CE.
He was ruling until c.415 CE.