Border states, as they were in the union but were slave states
Monarchy can be any gender but a patriarchy is where only men rule the kingdom.
It awakened general interest in the different arts as medium of expression
According to the contract subscribed between Bernard Atton and Leo, Abbot of Lagrasse in 1110, Atton "<em>ought to hold as a fief in Carcassonne the following: that is to say, the castles of Confoles, of Leocque, of Capendes (which is otherwise known as St. Martin of Sussagues); and the manors of Mairac, of Albars and of Musso; also, in the valley of Aquitaine, Rieux, Traverina, Hérault, Archas, Servians, Villatiitoes, Tansiraus, Presler, Cornelles</em>."
Also, he got the concession as a fief "the castle of Termes in Narbonne; and in Minerve the castle of Ventaion, and the manors of Cassanolles, and of Ferral and Aiohars; and in Le Rogés, the little village of Longville".
Moreover, he obtained the privilege of mounting the horses of Leo and also to receive homage when he visited the domains of the Abbot of Lagrasse.
The answer would be Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla