Acetylcholine (ACh)
Acetylcholine is an organic chemical that functions in the brain and body of many types of animals as a neurotransmitter.
Sickle cells can damage your spleen, the organ that helps fight germs as part of your immune system. That can make you more likely to get pneumonia and other infections.
I think it's 10% sorry if i'm wrong
After the scientist breeds the flower, and if the following generations display only yellow flowers, that means the flower is homozygous (no white flower genes), but if a white flower comes out in the process, it is heterozygous because that means that the original flower had a white flower gene that was "hidden"
In order to create bio mass you must distill certain plants, and you must have those plants. So it is limited because if you don't have plants then you can't create biomass. Let's say all plants go extinct then you wouldn't be able to create anymore biomass