there 6 steps
1. brainstorm ideas for the eulogy
2.write the eulogy introduction
3. write a short biography of the deceased life...
4. include special memories stories and qualities of the deceased in the eulogy
5.close eulogy with the words of comfort and final goodbye
6.proofread the eulogy
The purpose of a conclusion is not a rote reiteration of the thesis and your arguments. A recap may help tie all your arguments together for the audience, especially in a long paper, but it is not enough. Just as you needed to interpret quoted material to ensure that your readers understood it the way you wanted them to, you need to interpret your arguments at the end of a paper to ensure that the audience will understand them in the same broader context that you do.
Ultimately, you want the conclusion to give your readers something extra to think about. And you want your own thoughts to stick with them long after they have finished reading the paper.
Facts in memoir differ from facts in other type of nonfiction is different because : A. facts in a memoir are filtered through the perception of the Author
In Memoir, the biography was made based on personal knowledge and experience of the author. So a lot of subjectivity will be involved in a memoir
hope this helps
The children in the district are so poor and some of them so pathetic that I suppose the struggle to live has been so great you could not think much about what you fed the mind, but I came away feeling that right there, in one of the biggest and richest states in the country, we had a big area that needed books and needed libraries to help these schools in the education of the children, and, even more, to help the whole community to learn to live through their minds.