1. adopt their husbands' surnames
Married women legally adopt their husband's surname, similar to the Spanish naming customs practised over centuries and until the present.
The surname rules can have some exceptions but, generally speaking, the Hispanics in Latin America will have two given names, including a paternal (primer apellido or apellido paterno) , and the maternal (segundo apellido or apellido materno) surnames.
When women are single, they use both surnames, and once they get married they will take the surname of the husband. This is an accepted and common practice that still exists today.
In some instances, she will be asked to provide her original maternal surname.
Global Interdependence is the international reciprocated dependence between different countries!
The United states and Great bRITIAN
We can se Gemini in Philippines in the months of April and May. It is very important event for the Philippines people, as it signifies the period when it is the end of planting season for them. That’s the period when those twins get lost in the sun. It’s very visible
to the human eye and it’s found very low in May. Gemini’s most brightest stars — Pollux and Castor.
Explanation: If you have stood in front of a fireplace or near a campfire, you have felt the heat transfer known as radiation. The side of your body nearest the fire warms, while your other side remains unaffected by the heat. Although you are surrounded by air, the air has nothing to do with this transfer of heat. Heat lamps, that keep food warm, work in the same way. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through space by electromagnetic radiation.