There are three major reasons why people immigrate to other countries: work, love and war. In the late 1800s, immigrants in the United States tried to assimilate with the current populations by learning to speak English and adopting current American cultures and traditions. This is known as the process of Americanization. The idea is that immigrants end up sharing the "American" values, customs and beliefs. The idea behind Americanization is that people who share common values and ideals will contribute to a common cause or goal. This is also known as patriotism.
Louis xiv had complete authority over the French State, since he was the King of France. This unchecked authority, however, led to massive discontent and eventually the outbreak of the French Revolution.
They actually invaded idia because of their wealth the turks not only invaded but became rulers of India. They wanted to show the Indians of how powerful they were and they also invaded because of the rivalry between the Indian rulers which gave opportunities to the turks
In his farewell address, President George Washington warn against becoming overly involved with foreign politics.
In his Farewell Address, Washington warned against foreign influence in domestic affairs and US interference in European affairs. He warned against bitter partisanship in domestic politics and urged men to go beyond partisanship and serve the common good. He warned against "permanent alliances with any part of the outside world," and said the United States should focus primarily on American interests. He advised friendship and trade with all nations, but cautioned against participating in European wars and entering into long-term "entanglements" of alliances.
The Farewell Address quickly established the values of America regarding religion and foreign affairs.
I beleive it began in Oklahoma. Hope this helps!