Before 900; (noun) Middle English; Old English caru, cearu, cognate with Gothic kara, Old High German chara “lament”
The first article is presented in a more academic way, showing that there are historical, irrefutable documents that buy that slavery, in fact, happened, besides showing how long it was, lasting hundreds of years. The article also shows that slavery evolved together with society and that it can still be seen today among rural workers with little access to information and who do not know how to fight for their rights.
The second article, has a less academic aspect, it does not show historical evidence about slavery, but more directly it states that it exists today and that we must fight it, for this, there is an organization that takes information to producers rural areas, who are the biggest victims of modern slavery, and make sure they are informed about their labor rights so that they are not exploited.
if you were writing an argumentative essay suggesting a tour of reliant stadium for the class field trip, which of the following would NOT be a reason (subclaim) to support your argument?
Architecture exposes students to math, science, and art.
-There are plenty of giraffes and wild asses on the islands.
-The wild boars on the island are as big as buffaloes, with 14 lb tusks.
-The gryphon birds are monstrous in size.
are the answer
No clue....... what is that even, latex?