D. Antony will be friends with the conspirators if they tell him why they killed his beloved Caesar.
While many similarities exist between substance abuse treatment for those in the criminal justice system and for those in the general population, people in the criminal justice system have added stressors, including but not limited to their precarious legal situation. Criminal justice clients also tend to have characteristics that affect treatment. These include criminal thinking and criminal values along with the more typical resistance and denial issues found in other substance abuse treatment populations.
Chaucer depicts the pilgrims of the day as the day as always traveling in groups.
Answer: B. God Hermes (in Roman mythology-god Mercury), is the embodiment of the exchange, transfer and transition from one State or position to another.
Hermes gives to gods prayers of people, and to people-blessings of gods. As a conductor of souls, God Hermes embodies the transition from life to death. God of eloquence and treaties, Hermes (Mercury) conveys to others the thoughts of a speaker or messenger. Hermes accompanies the souls of deceased people and is the messenger and the expression of God's will on Earth.