Across the way I saw a lady wearing a yellow hat and green shoes walking her oversized mud-colored poodle.
Ray Bradbury was disturbed by the future of America. He was afraid for the fate of the whole earth, he acutely felt the threat of fascism. His political views are reflected in his works. That's why he received a special distinction: his name was included in fascists' list of those who was sentenced to death. On a day when they will come to power... But that day will never come because Ray Bradbury is not alone in America.
Sorry for my mistakes, I'm Russian)
It would be copyright... but as an example...
Friends don't last forever. You loose them eventually. They are there when you need them and love you no matter what. Basically nothing is forever...even if you say or wish it is.
-Addy young╰(*°▽°*)╯
either improve or catapult. I think it's improve.