A body can which has time and security enough to keep its head' to the longer the longer Senate terms and the advantage it gives to politicians in terms of getting things done since they don't have to worry about reelection so often.
<em>Don't be offended, but I have no opinion on his view because it seems boring....</em>
The Gospel of Wealth (more characters)
Great Britain’s coal resources come from sediments from the Carboniferous age – 300 million years ago-, which rotted under anoxic conditions of sands, silts and mudstones and extend under the North Sea and onshore lands of Northumberland, Durham, North and South Wales, Yorshire, East and West Midlands, Kent, Lancashire and the Scottish Centrl Belt. It took more than ten thousand years to the peat for reaching a thickness of ten metres, enough to make about one metre of coal under the increasing pressure of sediments. Mostly, minig settls in the 1700s were carved, structured with tree trunks and branches and covered with bricks unto 150 foot depth. People always worked there in terrible conditions, including women and children.