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A.Humans use their knowledge to locate resources for them selves thereby reducing competition among them
One should consider: proper clothing and shoes-so not to get injured. Knowledge of equipment and activity—one should know how to use all equipment and know how to play the games/activity so not to hurt themselves or others. Proper hydration and nutrition before hand-so not to get dehydrated or dizzy or sick and safety og equipment and location-check for broken items and discard, check environment for hills, holes, sticks, traffic, etc.
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a disease in which the upset stomach causes re-flux of acid back to esophagus. This may produce highly uncomfortable feeling of chest burn that may last even for two hours. GERD can get worse after eating because more volume of acids are released by stomach on detection of food like fast food and food that have high protein content. Patients are recommended to lose weight because that loses the pressure on abdomen a decreases the chance of GERD. Head elevation is also recommended to keep the acid within the stomach. It is same in while sitting upright after eating is recommended by doctors. GERD symptoms may have some respiratory complications like lung inflammation and chest congestion due to the action of stomach acid. This may lead to asthama.