it squeezes rocks together causing rocks to fold or fracture
Carbon dioxide; lower than.
Temperature can be defined as a measure of the degree of coldness or hotness of a physical object. It is measured with a thermometer and its units are Celsius (°C), Kelvin (K) and Fahrenheit (°F).
Radiation is simply the transmission or emission of energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves through a vacuum, material medium or space.
Earth’s atmosphere helps to regulate its temperature. However, the addition of gases such as carbon dioxide causes more energy to radiate back toward Earth. As a result, the atmospheric temperature increases over time. If Earth had no atmosphere, it would radiate nearly as much energy as it receives from the Sun. This implies that the temperatures on Earth would be lower than Earth’s current temperature.
The crust size remains constant because the older crust is melted at subduction zones.
The crust is constnatly created on Earth, but the crust is constantly getting destroyed as well. This situation leads to the total size of the crust being roughly at the same level, or rather constant, as one side a new one emerges, while at the same time, on the other side it gets destroyed.
The vast majority of the new crust is formed where there are divergent plate boundaries. Here, a gap opens up between the plates that move away and magma is constantly rising to the surface and creates new crust. When it comes to the destruction of crust, it occurs at subduction zones. Here, one plate moves below another plate, and as it does it reaches the upper mantle where it gets melted and recycled because of the high temperatures and pressure.

The unit of electric current that is equal to the flow of one Coulomb per second.
Ampere or ‘amp’ is a unit of electric current denoted by A. It is named after the French Physicist and Mathematician Andre-Marie Ampere, who is considered as the ‘Father of Electrodynamics’.
As it builds up the impacts of hazardous event.
- As Mexico is the one of the most seismically active zones and it sits on the intersecting tectonic plates which are bordered by the cocos plate and the North American plate and is along with the cost of the Mexico that form a subduction zone and these force thus cause about 40 earthquakes in a day.
- <u>As the Mexico city is built in a dry lake bed with a soft soil that has sand and clay the earthquake event amplifies the destruction. And cause violent shaking of the ground with deeper and denser soils that increase the magnitude of the events. Thus the densely populated areas are more prone to the earthquakes as the changes of the land-use patterns change the effects of hazards.</u>