1. They’ve been there and done that.You can learn from your mentor’s mistakes and avoid making them yourself.
2. You can talk to someone who is an unbiased third party. They see you for you. Your mentor may notice potential in you that you might not see in yourself. Better yet, they are not your boss so you don’t have to worry about things coming up in your review. And, they are not your parents so you can actually listen to them!
3. They have a whole different network of contacts and connections that you don’t. These connections are priceless and can help enhance your career in ways you couldn’t yourself.
4. It’s the best free service you could ever get. AND you’ll probably gain a life-long friend.
If you play basketball
You'll find it's a nice sport after all
Did you mean like a poem? sorry that's all I got
Espond to one of the following prompts in two to three paragraphs.CiTng textual evidence from "On the Pulse of Morning" and "One ±oday:"•describe some of the challenges facing the American people during the late 20th and early 21stcenturies±here were many challenges that the American had to face in the late 20thand early 21stcenturies.By reading the two poems "On the Pulse of Morning" and "One ±oday" I was able to infer some of them.For instance when Maya Angelou said ’’ Women, children, men, ±ake it into the palms of your hands,Mold it into the shape of your most Private need. Sculpt it into ±he image of your most public self. Li² upyour hearts Each new hour holds new chances For a new beginning. Do not be wedded forever ±o fear,yoked eternally ±o bruTshness.” She was saying that we had a problem with dwelling on the past andneed to get passed that because to many people have worked hard to make our country the way it istoday. So we need to look past how people, look, sound, and originated from and get back to the basic of
I believe it’s science fiction