A situação econômica e social da Alemanha piorou no início dos anos 1930 porque a grande depressão atingiu a Alemanha com força devido ao pagamento de empréstimos aos Estados Unidos da América. A taxa de emprego aumenta de 8,5% para 14% em 1929. Em 1930, passa de 14% para 21,9% e atinge o pico de 21,9% para 29,9% em 1932.
1. They’re many numerous reasons starting with the effects of the Treaty Of Versailles, the rise of the military in Germany and Japan, and the failure of the League Of Nations.
2. Because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
The U.S. gained access to Mexican seaports and paid Mexico five million dollars, but Mexico kept its territory.
The larger a population is in a state, the more representatives you will have from the House of Representative. The amount of represenatives from the Senate is fixed at 2 per state.