REM sleep's function are that it helps in forming new memories, stimulates the central nervous system, and restores brain chemistry to a normal balance
Answer: c. Ethnic tradition
The Philippians are an island nation located in South-East Asia and are the world's 5th largest island nation. They were colonized by the Spanish and then by the United States after the latter defeated the former in the Spanish-American War of 1898.
This meant that Filipinos were influenced to some degree, by the Spanish and the Americans and so have certain practices that are influenced by the two foreign cultures.
Art production in the Philippians however, is not one of these. The Filipinos were influenced by their geographical location and experiences which makes this an Ethnic tradition.
You should go over there and help them.If they are should get your first-aid kit and see if there anything you go get them to help.If you don't have a first aid kit,the best think would to call 911.
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