Answer: 1. flooding
2. Old Kingdom
3. Rosetta Stone
4. monotheism
5. Sobekneferu
6. New Kingdom
7. The Nile was the main source of water and the main route of transit in ancient Egypt. Its annual flooding was predictable and enriched the soil, which made the Nile River Valley one of the most productive in the ancient world.
8. The Egyptians worshipped many gods. The pharaohs were not only the head of the religion in Egypt, but their rule was also thought to be ordained by the gods. Ancient Egyptians believed that the afterlife was similar to their living life and wanted to prepare people for a similar existence after death. As a result, for the pharaohs during the Old Kingdom, the pyramids were constructed as elaborate tombs that contained everything that a ruler might need in the afterlife.
The three most important problems was that it gave to much power to the states (weak central government), it did not give the federal government the power to tax, and congress couldn't regulate trade.
In 1894, Chekhov began writing his play The Seagull in a lodge he had built in the orchard at Melikhovo.
Hope that helps some.
The industrial and economic developments of the Industrial Revolution brought significant social changes. Industrialization resulted in an increase in population and the phenomenon of urbanization, as a growing number of people moved to urban centres in search of employment.
When creating the United States Constitution, there were concerns about the federal government having too much power. Considering that the US Constitution was made shortly after America won their independence from Great Britain, it is easy to see why Americans were afraid of a strong federal government. One of the biggest causes of America declaring their independence from Great Britain was because of a strong central government that taxed colonists without their permission/input.
To make sure that this did not happen again, the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments of the Constitution) included an amendment that related to states rights. The 10th amendment states that any power not specifically given to the federal government belongs to each state respectively. This is why states have the ability to do things like create their own education system and driving laws.