One could be the rise of towns and the crusades. The Crusades was a campaign to reclaim the
Holy from Muslim rule. Despite the
number of campaigns launched. The Holy
remained under Muslim control and this weakened the feudal system as the
nobility spent most of their wealth on these campaigns. This led to the growth of towns where merchants
grew rich and became a force in society which led to the rise of the
Renaissance where interest was centered on the classics.
The first three of these postwar amendments accomplished the most radical and rapid social and political change in American history: the abolition of slavery (13th) and the granting of equal citizenship (14th) and voting rights (15th) to former slaves, all within a period of five years
War can wipe out a generation of men and cause a slight dip in the birth rates. Over 60 million people died in World War II. Women end up raising children on their own because their husbands died in the war. The anxiety, guilt, grief and other emotions disrupts families and changes social patterns...
The Roman Catholic faith believed in marriage for life
Georges lemaitre came up with the big bang theory, and is a belief that the planet earth and the rest of the solar system came a bout with one loud bang.
It is the battle of Iwo Jima taken in Japan. It happened during the World War II.