Cyanide works extremely fast in choking your cells and it gets rid of your enzyme development in your system.
America's economy grew by more than 400% between 1860 and 1900
Technological advances, expanding population, improved transportation,
financial innovation, and new business practices combined to fuel this
economic growth
"Titans of Industry" like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J.P.
Morgan built monopolies and revolutionized business practices
Laissez faire ideology called for little or no government regulation of
economic affairs
Unskilled urban workers did not share in economic gains, instead
enduring great poverty
In 1519 the conquistador Hernan Cortes advanced deep into the kingdom of Montezuma in an attempt to seize his treasures. He tried to stop Hernan Cortes' attack on his country and sent messengers to Cortes and begged him to return to Spain, offering him valuable gifts of gold and colorful feathers. But the gifts increased Cortes' curiosity and greed, so he proceeded to force many Indians to join his army. Montezuma respectfully waited for Cortes and his army outside the city.
In the face of Cortes' attack, Montezuma did not dare to do anything to drive out the invaders. Because according to an ancient legend, the natives believed that sons of the Sun, white gods from the East, would come to occupy the country. The Spaniards invaded the temple during a ceremony and killed the entire Mexican aristocracy. Cortes forced Montezuma to persuade his former nationals to surrender. But the people ignored him. It is claimed that he was stoned by the natives. A horrible bloodshed ensued in which Cortes proved his courage, as it is a real miracle how he managed to escape from the insurgent city, cross the entire enemy country and reach the shore again. Of course he soon returned with new troops and destroyed the prosperous city. Montezuma, according to others, died of starvation because he refused to eat because of Cortes's insult. There is a newer view that he was assassinated by the Spanish conquerors.
The Virginia Plan<span> was the proposal that was largely supported by larger states at the constitutional convention.
The Virginia Plan wanted to make it so that a states representation in the legislative branch was based on a states population. Larger states liked this idea, as a higher population means the more representatives they have in the legislature. The more legislatures a state has, the more they can influence the federal laws put into place. Smaller states hated this plan, as they felt it would give an unfair advantage to the larger states.
Estos cambios de política, conocidos colectivamente como las reformas borbónicas, intentaron frenar el comercio de contrabando, recuperar el control sobre el comercio transatlántico, restringir el poder de la iglesia, modernizar las finanzas estatales para llenar las arcas reales agotadas y establecer un control político y administrativo más estricto dentro del imperio.