It was resolved with the 3/5 compromise, which stated that an African American was counted as 3/5 of a person for population purposes.
Governments with Aristarchy attributes are traditionally ruled by the best people. The Roman Republic made Dictators lead during times of war. Fictional oligarchic examples include the dystopian society of Oceania displayed in the book Nineteen Eighty-Four, the stratocracy government of Starship Troopers, and the autarchic “Street Judges” of Judge Dredd.
The trade network that the swahili civilization participated in is the Indian ocean, ig
The Populist Party was a third party created due to the discontent of farmers against the major political parties (Republican and Democratic parties) because of the Gold Standard issue, and because they felt ignored. This Party is often regarded as a failure because it focused on one issue (to increase the money supply) and tried to gain the support of farmers and workers, but the workers' wants and needs were different than those of the farmers, so the Populist Party didn't had all the support it needed to succeed and ended up being absorbed by the Progressive Party. Although the Populist Party didn't succeed, it helped creating awareness of the farmers conditions, so that the Republican and Democratic parties could also focus on that side of the population.