Evaporation takes place when the sun's heat breaks the bonds with water in liquid form which happens to be in an ocean, lake, stream , or puddle, it is then draw into the atmosphere while it is in a gaseous state. Transpiration is for lack of a better word, plants sweating. Plants release small amount of water which are then usually evaporated or used by the plant.
predator is blue, prey is red
when the amount of predators increase, the blue line rises, the red line lowers. when there is more predators there is going to be a less amount of prey.
Answer: Your upper and lower arms are connected at your elbow by a hinge joint between your humerus and ulna.
...strong hydrogen bonds between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of neighbouring atoms increases the amount of energy needed to cause water to change states.
Examples of ecosystem services include products such as food and water, regulation of floods, soil erosion and disease outbreaks, and non-material benefits such as recreational and spiritual benefits in natural areas.