The changes that Anaya's grandfather reflect the idea that people should accept, enjoy and participate in aging because it is a natural thing in life.
When we play Anaya's grandfather and the changes he undergoes over time, we can see that growing old is natural to our lives and that these changes cannot be stopped. This shows us that although many of us are afraid of aging, we will have to go through this and for that reason, we should, like her grandfather, celebrate, participate, respect and enjoy each stage of our life.
Success is possible if one truly believes in oneself
1. The Jews from the Diaspora began to revolt against their neighbors (Egypt, Cyprus, Africa, Mesopotamia, etc.)
* They rebelled because there was many messianic yearning
* They loved the idea of having a Messiah and thought they would win the War against the Romans
2. The attempt Hadrian tried to rebuild the Temple but it didn't succeed. Temple to Jupiter on the Temple Mount
3. Hadrian tried to build a new city Aelia Capitolina
4. Hadrian renamed Judea to Palestine
5. Hadrian also outlawed Shabbat, Circumcision, and learning of Torah
6. Led by Bar Kochba
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