Self control
Self control is the ability to be tolerant and patient...Holding on to habits that shouldn't be seen by the public... knowing when to and when not to do something
Marla looked up, and she gazed. She thought about her exciting summer and wondered if her new friends would keep in touch. She ... ebhburuir is waiting for your help
He didn't bring any essential items he needed to help himself, so that makes Jacob ill equipped.
I have found this question online. The lines it refers to are:
"The sled and traveler stopped, the courier's feet
Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit
Around the radiant fireplace, enclosed
In a tumultuous privacy of storm."
The lines develop the theme that a life momentarily delayed means a loss of control in the following manner:
B. They contain examples of how a snowstorm slows down human activity and forces people to accept it and work around it.
The lines above belong to the poem "The Snow-Storm" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. They beautifully show how nature cannot be controlled by man. When a snowstorm hits, there is nothing people can do. They must simply sit safely somewhere and wait for it to pass. They have no control over the storm's intensity or over how long it will last. Their lives are delayed by the storm and all they can do is accept it. With that in mind, we can choose letter B as the correct answer:
B. They contain examples of how a snowstorm slows down human activity and forces people to accept it and work around it.
Answer: The origins of Gothic literature can be traced to various historical, cultural, and artistic precedents. Figures found in ancient folklore, such as the Demon Lover, the Cannibal Bridegroom, the Devil, and assorted demons, later populated the pages of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Gothic novels and dramas. In addition, many seventeenth- and eighteenth-century works are believed to have served as precursors to the development of the Gothic tradition in Romantic literature. These works include plays by William Shakespeare, such as Hamlet (c. 1600–01), and Macbeth (1606), which feature supernatural elements, demons, and apparitions, and Daniel Defoe's An Essay on the History and Reality of Apparitions (1727), which was written to support religion and discourage superstition by providing evidence of the existence of good spirits, angels, and other divine manifestations, and by ridiculing delusions and naive credulity. However, while these elements were present in literature and folklore prior to the mid-eighteenth century, when the Gothic movement began, it was the political, social, and theological landscape of eighteenth-century Europe that served as an impetus for this movement. Edmund Burke's treatise A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757) introduced the concept of increasing appreciation for the nature of experiences characterized by the "sublime" and "beautiful" by depicting and then engaging (vicariously) in experiences comprised of elements that are contrary in nature, such as terror, death, and evil. Writers composed Gothic narratives during this period largely in response to anxiety over the change in social and political structure brought about by such events as the French Revolution, the rise in secular-based government, and the rapidly changing nature of the everyday world brought about by scientific advances and industrial development, in addition to an increasing aesthetic demand for realism rather than folklore and fantasy. The Gothic worlds depicted fears about what might happen, what could go wrong, and what could be lost by continuing along the path of political, social, and theological change, as well as reflecting the desire to return to the time of fantasy and belief in supernatural intervention that characterized the Middle Ages. In some cases Gothic narratives were also used to depict horrors that existed in the old social and political order—the evils of an unequal, intolerant society. In Gothic narratives writers were able to both express the anxiety generated by this upheaval and, as Burke suggested, increase society's appreciation and desire for change and progress.