Women are likely to experience domestic abuse in a relationship,around 85% in comparison to a males 15%.Around 1 in 5 women suffer physical violence from their partner.
Remember the historical facts
- Otoman hadn't come to deep Asian regions like China (1st one should be Chengis khan's)
- Second one is not big enough
- Third one resembles like Asian empire
- Fourth one perfectly denotes to otomans
For Martin Luther King Jr.
He inspired everyone with his "I have a dream" speech and helped organize the march on Washington, an assembly of over 200,000 protestors and led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He gave hope to the people. He also modeled sound leadership to the African American civil rights movement.
Those are some contributions he made if you'd like a short answer :)
On April 9, 1865, General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Confederate troops to the Union's Ulysses S. ... Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, marking the beginning of the end of the grinding four-year-long American Civil War.
The correct answer is a) All Jewish baby boys were to be killed.
The story of the Jews in Egypt is told in the biblical accounts; They were slaves of the Farahones and were subdued for thousands of years.
A pharaoh (whose name is not mentioned in the bible), when threatened by the Jews, decided to kill the baby boys of the Hebrew people this through midwives (ladies who help in childbirth). Still, the plan of Pharaoh did not have the expected effect, because the people he sent to kill the babies feared God and did not follow his orders.
In the middle of the hunt of the pharaoh to the Jewish babies, a mother was able to save her baby, sending him by the Nile river where he was found by the sister of the pharaoh, in this way the child was raised as part of the royalty and put Moses name.
Moses being Jewish, was the one sent by God to free his people from slavery in Egypt and who would take them to the promised land.
<em>I hope this information can help you.</em>