The verb estar is an irregular verb, that means, it does not follow the pattern of all other "regular" -AR verbs.
The verb estar means "To Be" for temporary characteristics.
Think LCP (Large Cheese Pizza)
L- Location
C- Condition
P- Participle.
Those are when you use estar.
Conjugations of estar:
I am yo estoy
you are(Informal) tu estás
he/she is / you are(Formal) el/ella está // ud. está
We are nosotros estamos
You all are (spain only) - Vosotros Estáis
They are Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Estan
Sentence: I am happy today
Yo estoy feliz hoy
The answer should be "Perla y Rubí son bonitas".
It should be "son" instead of "es" because there is more than one thing, and "bonitas" because it seems like both are females. (I'm answering based on what I know
of own language, I hope it helps)
Donde esta la foto o algo para una referencia?