To glorify God and to help us get a visual of what happened in the bible time
Western music: Ars Nova. When the influential treatise Ars Nova (“New Art”) by the composer Philippe de Vitry appeared early in the 14th... These innovations, which were anticipated to a degree in the music of Pierre de la Croix (flourished last half of 13th century), are marked by the emancipation of music from the rhythmic modes (dominated by triple metre) of the preceding age and by the increased use of smaller note values.
Solid casting, the use of solid wax models limited the founder to casting very small figures.
Explain the processes used in forming metals. Name one occupation in history that has used forming in metalworking. ... Forming can also include casting, which involving shaping the metal using a hammer or some other form of pressure. Forming has been most commonly used by blacksmiths for centuries.