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Maps are usually classified according to their use. The emphasis in general purpose maps is on location. Wall maps, most maps found in atlases, and road maps are all in this category. Thematic maps, also referred to as special-purpose maps, illustrate the geographical distribution of a particular theme or phenomenon.
The British East India Company played a major role in British imperialism, all because as British products flowed into India; the Indian goods we're not able to be shipped to Britain because Indian goods were outlawed in India. Soon enough the East India Company was shut down and Britain took it over and used it to sell Britain goods not Indian goods. Thus helping Britain and shutting out India.
<span>1. Blacks will be given citizenship and white rights will be reduced.
He states at the beginning the intent of Lincoln to give blacks citizenship, the right to vote, and make them equal to whites which in turn Douglass argues will reduce the rights of whites.
2. Douglass believed that blacks were not an equal race to whites and therefore were incapable of citizenship and equal rights to white men.
He believed, as many did at the time, that race was biological and each race was inferior or superior to another. He believed whites from Europe were the superior race to all others and therefore should have the rights guaranteed by the American government. </span>