Rhode Island lacked a majority for any one faith, so the Rhode Islanders agreed to separate church and state, and believed that mingling church and state corrupted religion.
to gain access to the Pacific Ocean
Debtors of the English Government
Explanation: The Georgia Trustees originally envisioned the new Georgia colony as a second chance for debtors in British jails.
D is the correct answer because they want to their employers to limit the amount of time had to work
Correct Answer: It suffered from instability and civil war.
Roamn Empire was in the process of disntegration despite the efforts made by Emperor Constatine and Diocletian inorder to save it. The disntegration finally happened in 395 leading to the disintegration of the Empire into two- Western and Eastern Empire.
As a result of the fact that Western Empire is not economically prosperious as well as the rot in its courts, admistrating system, this led to it being vulnerable to invasion by the Goth (Germanic tribes).