FDR had been stirring up conflicts in Europe since around 1935 in the hopes of getting the United States involved in a war to create jobs after his New Deal programs failed.
The war in Europe didn't involve United States' interests, and so Congress wouldn't give FDR the green light.
To force their hand, he arranged for oil embargoes around the Pacific and then lured Japan to America with promises of much-needed oil.
First, however, they were required to purchases licenses to buy the oil and then Roosevelt reneged on selling them at the last minute. This infuriated the Japanese, provoking them into attacking Pearl Harbor.
In doing this, FDR's provocation of Japan to attack the US was an act of treason.
No,not every product produced in the United states is included in U.S gross domestic product.
In the gross domestic product of The U.S, only final goods and services are included. If we talk about intermediate goods. These are those goods which are partly finished and they are used as input in the manufacturing of finished goods and services.
There are some goods and services which are produced only for personal use are excluded from GDP, because GDP includes only those goods which are traded in the market.
Bush's statement captures the essence of nationalism.
Nationalism is an ideology based on a person's identification with his own country/nation, supporting that country's interests. The side effect of such an identification is that nationalists value their countries over other nations, groups, ideologies, and cultures. Nationalists tend to regard others as the enemy, as if their country needs their constant work and protection lest it will be attacked or surpassed by others.
President Bush's statement divides people and nations into two categories: allies and enemies. That is typical nationalist thought resulting from fear and terror. In order to defend oneself and one's country, people are capable of viewing the rest of the world as a threat.