Currency is the correct answer
I think it is the last one. Or first. Try first though.
Have a Great Day.
Never heard of that lol
To understand flow of programming logic flow chat technique been used. Once end user starts any learning programming flow chat design been learned and corrected the mistake. After success of flow chat design end user been advice to do programming and tested in computer.
In flow chart design is used for beginner level programming. Some time to make higher level managers to understand this flow chart design is used.
Flow chart has start, procedure, condition, function or procedure and end with stop diagrams.
Flow chart makes end user understand the flow of logics.
Suppose we need to do a process for a procedure, end user has to design with start flow chart symbol and put a procedure flow chart symbol with identification character, then end user has use same identification character and start designing the procedure in the flow chart diagram.
Procedure in flow char design is used to call same procedure number of time, so that repeated coding is avoided.
def prime_generator(s, e):
for number in range(s, e+1):
if number > 1:
for i in range(2, number):
if (number % i) == 0:
I believe you want to ask the prime numbers between s and e.
- Initialize a for loop that iterates from s to e
- Check if the number is greater than 1. If it is, go inside another for loop that iterates from 2 to that number. If the module of that number to any number in range (from 2 to that number) is equal to 0, this means the number is not a prime number. If the module is not equal to zero, then it is a prime number. Print the number