Advanced persistent threat.
Advanced persistent threat is a threat actor implemented by either a government supported or private group to intrude a network or system and stays undetected, collecting information over a period of time.
It is used by cyber terrorist group to facilitate massive attacks based on the information retrieved. National or government group use the concept to promote national security.
In Computer programming, a variable can be defined as a placeholder or container for holding a piece of information that can be modified or edited.
Basically, variable stores information which is passed from the location of the method call directly to the method that is called by the program.
For example, they can serve as a model for a function; when used as an input, such as for passing a value to a function and when used as an output, such as for retrieving a value from the same function. Therefore, when you create variables in a function, you can can set the values for their parameters.
A Select Case statement can be defined as a conditional statement that avails software developers or programmers the ability to test a variable by comparing it with a list of values.
In a Select Case statement, each variable is referred to as a Case.
Generally, when a Select Case statement executes, the value of the test expression is compared with the values that follow each of the Case keywords.
This delay in routers is what we called Packetization delay
or also called Accumulation delay. Packetization delay is the time required for
the information to pass on the wires. The data rate of the links that passes
thru the wires cause the delay.