Salut !
Lorsque j'avais dix (10) ans, j'ai attrapé une forte grippe. J'avais très mal à la tête et à la gorge aussi. J'avais beaucoup de fièvre. Je n'avais plus de force. Je devais rester au chaud dans mon lit, et je passais mes journées à dormir.
Ma mère s'est bien occupée de moi car mon père avait aussi la grippe.
J'ai été voir le médecin qui m'a donné des médicaments.
J'avais du sirop et des médicaments pour abaisser la fièvre.
Au bout de cinq (5) jours, je me sentais déjà un peu mieux.
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? </u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you?</u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? curia.op.orgBonjour Nathan, comment vas-tu? </u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? curia.op.orgBonjour Nathan, comment vas-tu?</u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? curia.op.orgBonjour Nathan, comment vas-tu? alexmero.comHi Nathan, how are you? </u>
Colocataire necessaire!
Je cherche un compagnon de chambre qui est gentil et drole et qui va aide aux taches menageres volontiers.
I used a translation app because I am not yet fluent so I hope it was right and that this helps.
page one
the monkey
ooh ooh ah ah!
the monkey swings from tree to tree to get his bananas
page two
the dog
the dog is angry at the cat! he chases the cat to the tree!
page three
the cat!
meow! hiss!
the cat is running away from the dog, she climbs up the tree!
page four
the squirrel
the squirrel is mad at the dog!
they throw acorns at the dogs head! the dog whimpers away
page five
the fish!
blub blub
the fish hides in his underwater castle, and eat ougie
page six
the bird
caw caw!
the bird swoops down and eats up a worm
<em>GROSS! </em>
page seven
the pig
oink oink!
the pig runs around his pen, and rolls around in the mud
page eight
the alligator
the alligator swims under water!
page nine
the shark
the shark swims underwater, too!
page ten
the horse
the horse runs really fast!
Science is the intellectual and practical activity that encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural worlds through observation and experimentation. ".
Stay safe, stay healthy and blessed.
Have a good day !
Thank you