It's more important to what a person does because as they say, actions speak louder than words do. A person can think a certain way but not act on it but what a person does reflects what they decide internally and what they wanted to do with that idea externally showing that they are serious with that idea of theirs in their head.
Hamartia of Oedipus is not overcome and the hubris he commits calls his downfall.
The Hamartia, or the fatal flaw is the one flaw of a good protagonist in a tragedy that brings them down and makes their downfall possible.
This characteristic of Hamartia with Oedipus is his will to control. He believes he can control his fate when he really has no way to do so and falls victim to his own machinations.
The Hubris of a character is when the overstep their limits and challenge the will of Gods. In a bid to change his fate Oedipus does just that and in that way he makes the fate only possible.
a geological event, such as a glacier or sink hole, can create a pond. Ponds are nothing more than shallow holes where water collects. Yet, if left alone, ponds will fill in with dirt and debris until they become land.
explains abt ponds
I stare
carefully into the Kekuléan knot of the middle Dean's necktie best illustrates an
objective narrative voice.
To add, Infinite Jest is a 1996 novel by American
writer David Foster Wallace. The lengthy and complex work takes place in a
North American dystopia, centering on a junior tennis academy and a nearby
substance-abuse recovery center.<span> </span>