- 60 American hostages
- President Jimmy Carter’s decision for the Shah's medical care in the US because of his exile in the middle east, lead to the American hostages.
- The students set their hostages free on January 21, 1981, 444 days after the crisis began and just hours after President Ronald Reagan delivered his inaugural address
- Probably costed Jimmy Carter his second term as presdient.
The American civil war. The south is the blue, the north is red. The south didn’t need to capture any Northern Territory, whereas the north wanted to take over the south so that they could keep the states united, hence the Union.
The new industries and businesses affected the way many american children lived, because due to the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of new industries and businesses since 19th century, <u>many children worked long hours in factories, mills or mines</u> from an early age (some from 6 years old). They had to work strenuous working days of more than 54 hours per week, which caused the children to be forced to leave their studies and their infantile activities to carry out the work. As a result of that many children suffered accidents that several times seriously harmed them.
during Douglass duringAnswer:
Douglass used Vesey's name as a rallying cry in recruiting and inspiring African American troops, including the 54th Massachusetts Infantry.
Denmark Vesey was later held up as a hero among abolitionists, including Frederick DouglassDuring during the Civil War. Douglass used Vesey's name as a rallying cry in recruiting and inspiring African American troops, including the 54th Massachusetts Infantry.
During the Civil War, Denmark Vesey was later held up as a hero among abolitionists, including Frederick Douglass. Douglass used Vesey's name as a rallying cry in recruiting and inspiring African American troops, including the 54th Massachusetts Infantry.
For most of the recorded history, or more specifically till around the period of the expansion of the Arabian Empire, it was a relative unknown for most of the the other countries. It is not that the others didn't knew the region, but the region was not of interest of any of the other countries so it was left mostly unexplored. This was due to several reasons:
- The landscape; it was and still is a desert dominated region, so it was dangerous and unattractive for most people.
- The population; there was a very small population which was predominantly nomadic so it was not of great use for the foreign countries.
- Scarcity of resources; Arabia lacked any significant resources that can increase an interest in the region, and the biggest problem of all was the lack of water since the Arabian Peninsula doesn't have a single constant river flow.