Answer: form utopian communities
You should look up Progressivism. Progressivists dealt with a lot of reforms in the early 1900s.
Alternatively, try looking up “US health bills since 1900.” If you need a starting point, look up the Pure Food and Drug Act/Meat Inspection Act (both in 1906) and Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle,” which had a particularly large impact on meat inspection.
Answer:Ability to organize
Wade ruling was the driving force behind the rise of the Christian Right in the 1970s. Changing political context led to the Christian Right's advocacy for other issues, such as opposition to euthanasia and campaigning for abstinence-only sex education
Match the vocabulary term with its meaning.
1. A religious belied in many gods - Polytheism
2.The religious practice of foretelling the future - Divination
3. A religious belief in only one god - Monotheism
Answer: important words of the end of the Cold War are...
Explanation: The fall of the Berlin Wall, The shredding of the iron, Russian soviet republic, Gorbachev, Vietnam, McCarthyism