people procrastinate because they're avoiding something they know will make them emotionally unpleasant by doing that task, so instead, they do something that provides a temporary mood boost. Procrastination itself causes shame and guilt, leading people to procrastinate even further.
your physical abilities rely a lot on your mental strength, if you feel like you've been procrastinating, try doing things to boost your overall mental health.
Colorblindness is a recessive sex-linked trait. ... Remember that in incomplete dominance, the two traits blend together; in co-dominance, the two traits are equally expressed; and in sex-linked traits, the traits can be dominant or recessive, but they always appear on the X-chromosome.
- Use bikes and non motor engines to get short distances BIKES is a good option.
- Support electricaly charged vehicles
- Turn off your car when you are not driving
- Walk to school if you can
- Make sure to recycle paper
- reuse old notebooks that are not finished for the next year
- Get outdoors and spread your carbon dioxide
- try playing ball games and not video games so much becasue it means you use electricity that is generated by fossil
- Turn off lights before bed
- dont keep the TV on all the time.
Hope that helps :)
Bacteria are involved in production of many food products such as yogurt, cheese, pickles, etc.
Bacteria break down waste material so that our environment is not permanently cluttered with garbage, dead bodies, etc.
Bacteria are responsible for the production of important essential compounds that are necessary for life such as vitamin K production by E. coli in the gut
Some bacteria cause infections or produce toxic substances that are a threat to life and/or health.
Bacteria cause spoiling of food so that it does not keep as long as we may desire.
Some bacteria may cause infections of plants, threatening our food supply or ornamental plant.